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ECL Golf Society is about to launch

Ian Johnson from the ECL Plant Department is about to launch an ECL Golf Society. The society will host 5-6 tournaments annually, all to take place in and around the Bedfordshire area.

He’s looking to recruit keen golfers from across the business, to join the Society (no charge) and play at the locally selected golf courses.

This is a perfect opportunity for golfers of the business to come together and join in a bit of friendly competition and the opportunity to play with your co-workers.

There will be a number of trophies including Nearest the Pin, Longest Drive, and Individual Winner for the event. A leader board will be kept on Yammer which means your score from each round will be added together and the top 3 scoring individuals will be invited to join the ECL Golf Fundraising Event next year.

Details of this Society and joining will be put on Yammer shortly. Spaces are limited, and members will be selected on a first-come, first-serve basis, so please register your interest as soon as you can.

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